The Rhinebeck Sweater errata

All relevant pdfs have been updated, so if you have an individual pattern pdf from the book or the ebook, they are up to date.


Jenny at the Fair

p. 118 Cuff Chart Row 5 missing CC3 in the centre


p 122 column 2 under Bust Increases

The rnd was labelled incorrectly as dec rnd, and the k1 was missing at the end.

Next rnd — inc rnd: k, m1L, k to 1 st from m, m1R, k1, slm, k1, slm, k1, m1L, k to 1 st from end, m1R, k1. 

Pumpkin Ale

p. 142 added to materials list

 1/4 yard / metre medium weight woven fabric, sewing thread and needle or machine

p. 145 column 2

The direction to slip the marker after working the left cable was omitted.

After completing the last increase, the number of rows to work in pattern has been updated to:

Work 35[39, 41, 43, 47, 47] (51, 51, 53, 53, 55) [57, 61, 61, 63, 63] rows in patt.

p. 148 column 1 under Sleeve Cap

Begin the sleeve cable pattern on Row 2. 

Beekman Tavern

p. 140 column 2 under Raglan Shaping notes the first Next rnd should end.

pm, p1, k1, rep from * 3 more times. 

Aunt Fred

p. 153 paragraph above illustration

Added a note to include the seam stitches when joining shoulders.

 Apple Cider Donut

p. 157 column 1

Row 4 — raglan inc row: inc at neckline as set, *work in patt to 1 st from m, RLI, k1, slm, k1, RLI, rep from * 3 more times, work in patt to last 3 sts, inc as set.

The k1 was missing before slipping the marker.

p. 157 column 1 – the stitch counts for this section have been corrected

Sizes 52 – 58" only 

Next row — body only inc row: *work in patt to 1 st from m, RLI, slm, work in patt to m, slm, k1, RLI, rep from * once more, work in patt to end (1 st inc’d for each front, 2 sts inc’d for back) -[-, -, -, -] (-, 89, 89, 91) sts between back markers.

Repeat body only inc row EVERY row -[-, -, -, -] (-, 0, 2, 4) more times (when working inc’s on WS rows work inc as pfb) -[-, -, -, -] (-, 89, 93, 99) sts between markers for back.

 p. 158 column 1

Next row: should read work in part to 1 st before m

p. 158 column 2

Stitch counts for sizes 38, 46 and 49 after Rep from * updated to -[46, -, -, 56] (62, -, -, -)

Mulberry Street

p. 162 column 2

Sleeve increase rows should end

work in patt to EOR, m1.

p. 163 column 2 replace up to Sizes 47¼ – 51¾" with 

Next 5[3, 3, 3, 3] (3, 3, 3) rows: work in patt to 4[5, 5, 5, 6] 

(6, 7, 7) sts from previous gap, turn.

Rep from ** 0[0, 0, 1, 1] (1, 1, 1, 1] more time(s). 

225[243, 261, 257, 271] (303, 325, 337) sts.

Sizes 35¾ and 38¾"

Work dec row once more. 227 and 245 sts. 

Next row: work in patt to 4[5, 5, 5, 6] (6, 7, 7) sts from previous gap, turn.

Next row: k across all sts, closing gaps as you come to them.

Sizes 32¾ and 41½ - 51¾"

Next row: *k to 3 sts before m, k3tog, slm, k5, slm, sssk; rep from * 

3 more times, k across rem sts, closing gaps as you come to them. 

209[-, -, 241, 255] (287, 309, 321) sts.

All sizes

Next row: work in patt across all sts, closing gaps as you come 

to them.

Work 4[0, 0, 2, 2] (2, 2, 2) rows even in patt.

Next row (RS): *k to 3 sts before m, k3tog, slm, k5, slm, sssk; 

rep from * 3 more times. 

Work 3 rows even in patt. 

Rep last 4 rows 5[6, 7, 7, 8] (7, 6, 6] more times. 113[115, 117, 113, 111] (159, 197, 209) sts.

 Spring Brook

p. 172 in Stitch pattern box

Written directions only, for the Left Lace Pattern, the decreases should be k2tog and even rows should read 

Rows 2, 4, 6, 8:k1, (p8, k1) to end.

p. 172 last line of column 1 updated to 

8[8, 8, 9](9, 9, 9)th repeat

p. 172 top of column 2 Note added 

Note: lace panels are shaped without changing total stitch count. Before lace shaping is complete the fronts and back are divided and armholes shaped. Please read ahead in pattern.

p. 173 column 1 

After Rep last 2 rows updated to:

Rep last 2 rows 25 more times, ending with row 8 of the 14[14, 14, 15](15, 15, 15)th repeat of the lace patterns from the cast on.

Repeat the lace shaping section from * to * once more. 

Continue in patt as established, working a single repeat of the lace patterns between markers and maintaining edging rib. 

At the same time when body measures 14.[15, 15, 15.] (15., 15.)" / 37[38, 38, 39.5] (39.5, 39.5)cm from CO edge, divide fronts and backs and shape armholes.

Maple Cotton Candy

p. 177 in Stitch pattern box  

Seed stitch directions Row 2 should read

Row 2 (WS): (p1, k1) to end. 

p. 179 column 2 under Shape Sleeve Cap

Work 4 rows even. 

Next row — dec row (RS): k1, ssk, work in patt to 3 sts from end, k2tog, k1.

The rep dec row every 6th row 0[1, 1, 2, 3] (5, 6, 6, 6, 5) more times;